Category Archives: Homepage

69 News StormCenter

69 News StormCenter

CLICK HERE to get the latest closings, delays, and FID (Flexible Instructional Day) straight from the 69 News Stormcenter  Powered by:  ATLANTIC RIDGE LANDSCAPE AND PLOWINGMORE

Join the 100.7 LEV Text Club!

Join the 100.7 LEV Text Club!

Text keyword "LEV" to 68683 to get 100.7 LEV contests and information delivered right to your phone! Reply HELP for help Reply STOP to opt-out 4 msg/month max Message and data rates may applMORE

Selena’s Summer Adventure

Selena’s Summer Adventure

Road trip!!! Join Selena and her kids on a summer adventure, test driving with Phillipsburg Easton Honda. Watch on 100.7 LEV’s Facebook page, with chances to win tickets for your summer fun, too! <iframe src=\”\” width=\”500\” height=\”580\” style=\”border:none;overflow:hidden\” scrolling=\”no\” frameborder=\”0\” allowfullscreen=\”true\” allow=\”autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture; web-share\”></iframe> WLEV Selenas Summer Adventure Facebook Contest-Knoebels FB RulesMORE