Governor Wolf signs historic liquor reform bill into law


Beer will soon be for sale at some Pennsylvania gas stations, and wine in some grocery stores after the governor signed a bill that was passed by the state House.

HB 1690 allows the sale of wine in licensed grocery stores and beer in gas stations. Licensed grocery stores will be able to sell up to 4 bottles of wine per customer. Gas station convenience stores will be allowed to sell six-packs.

The bill passed the House by a vote of 157-31. The legislation does not eliminate the state store system, or the PLCB, but supporters say it sets the ground work for full privatization of the state liquor system. Lawmakers call it the most significant change to the state’s liquor policy in 80 years.

House leadership says Pennsylvanians will see wine and beer sales expanded by Thanksgiving.

While many consumers are happy with the decision, some beer distributors are not.

“I’m mad … Gov. Wolf said he was going to leave the beer distributors alone. However, this is hurting all of us,” said Sharon Metzler, of North York Beverage. “My husband died four years ago. He left this business for me as my retirement. I’m afraid there’s not going to be a business left. I feel bad because I feel like I’ve let him down.”